Thursday, June 5, 2014

Mom's Night Out Paint Party June 28th @ 5:45 PM

Art by Shanni's Mom's Night Out Paint Party 

  •   When: June 28th at 5:45pm (Painting will start at 6 pm)

  •  Where: 115 Schwarzkopf drive (Nichole's House)

  •  Cost: $20.00 for 8x10 Canvas 

    ****If you want to buy a bigger canvas 11x14 size the cost is $35.00 dollars. Please just pick this option at registration or when you signup online! Thank you. 

    • Options to paint are below A. Monogrammed Letter or B. Wine Glass, you may still opt to submit your own by contacting Shanni.


                                            A.                                                    B.


What will we paint?

We will paint whatever is decided by Art by Shanni for that particular event, however the basis of Art By Shanni's business is and was founded on custom made art. Therefore you are always encouraged to present her with your own ideas you want to paint at any of the parties. Please bear in mind that giving any custom work ideas takes time and prep work, so please give ample notice. Asking for custom work the night of the event, will be difficult to accommodate in most cases. However, in many cases custom pieces can be drawn in just a few hours. Please know with custom pieces we like for those participants to be paid in full ahead of time.

What do I bring with me?
Since this is a private event hosted at someone's house, please bring a covered dish to share with the group and BYOB.

How do I register?
You have a few options here simply visit the credit card pre-payment link: (Credit Card Pre-Payment) or make arraignments to drop payment off to Shanni in person.
CREDIT CARDS: CLICK HERE Credit Card Pre-Payment 
Select MOM's NIGHT OUT you will see a picture of Monogrammed Letter "P" , click on the picture,
select Letter 8x10 or Wine 8x10 for the $20.00 piece listed above. Custom is if you have decided to paint something other than a monogrammed letter or wine glass shown above. You will be directed through registration.****Please make sure to let me know the letter or letters you want on the canvas. This is very important so I have it ready the night of the event**** If you wish to register in person that is fine, but be aware this is 14 people only and if I do not have your letter or wine glass information, you may not have a seat or canvas. When you arrive at class you can also pay with cash or Mastercard/Visa cash/check if we are not sold out yet. This class will fill up at 14 people due to it being a private party.  #################################################################################
IF YOU WISH TO PURCHASE THE $35.00 canvas 11x14 Please make sure you click the UPGRADE Letter or UPGRADE Wine or of course Upgrade Custom buttons during the registrations process. This allows me to prepare the 11x14 size canvas. Otherwise I will have an 8x10 canvas at regular price.

PAYPAL: for those familiar you are welcome to use this feature as well please make a note that you are paying for Mom's night out and your Initial or Initials.

Do I have to register?
We highly recommend registering as many classes fill up and seats are reserved for those who register.   Additionally, we cancel classes with less than four registrants, so please make sure to register as you never know when you might be the fourth person, or when we will close the class because we are filled. In the event the class is full, we will have an overflow class scheduled for the same week or following week. Which ever works best for the most people. (With private events, such as this one, the venue is subject to change)
How far in advance should I register?
As early as possible to ensure that you will have a space. Children groups are limited to 15 spots so each child gets the undivided attention they deserve.  Private Events may be planned up to a year in advance.

What is the minimum age?
For kids classes, children 4-6 years old must have an adult stay with them. Adults are welcome to paint in the children’s class and pay the children’s rate, but do need reservations as well.
What should I wear?
Wear paint appropriate clothing, but Art by Shanni does provide each participant with an Apron to cover the front of your clothing. Our paints are acrylic and can stain sometimes, however they are water based. Art by Shanni takes no responsibility for paint stains so please make sure to dress accordingly for the areas our aprons do not cover.
When should I arrive?
Doors normally open 30 minutes prior to class start time and we highly recommend arriving at 10- 15 minutes early as our check in process takes a few minutes to get everyone signed in, paint distributed, etc.
This class is only going to be available for 14 Mom's/Dad's. If we sell out, we will make an over flow class that makes the most people happy for the following week, since this date does fall on a Saturday. If our host does not want to host again, we will find a suitable venue for our event as well. Please bear in mind, we cannot always make a date happen for ever single participant, but we do our absolute best!
Contact Us:
(727) 686-7118

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